Emergency Contacts:
Call 911 for Emergencies
Police Department – Pennsylvania State Police (Stroudsburg)
2730 Rimrock Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Non-Emergency Number: (570) 619-6480
Fire Department – Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder
2191 Rimrock Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Non-Emergency Number: (570) 629-3980
100 Gypsum Rd., Suite 201
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Non-Emergency Number: (570) 992-9911
Tips For Using 911
Dial 911 to report situations requiring immediate response of fire truck, ambulance, or police car. Have ready for the 911 emergency dispatcher the telephone number you are calling from, the location of the problem, and the nature of the problem. Stay on the telephone; the operator will connect you to the appropriate emergency response agency. Do not call 911 for road, travel, weather information, household or car repairs, noise complaints, pets in trees, information on events, information on municipal services, garbage, recycling, or snow removal. Consult your telephone directory’s information pages for the appropriate agencies for non-emergency problems.
Click HERE for more tips on calling 911
Legislative Contacts:
State Representative 176th District
Jack Rader
2785 Rt 115, Suite 103
Effort PA 18300
Phone 570-620-4341
State Senator – 40th District
Rosemary Brown
2398 Route 611, Suite 201
Scotrun PA 18355
Phone 570-620-4326