Hamilton Township is a township of the second class and is governed by a 3 person Board of Supervisors who are elected to six-year terms. The board is responsible for all Township policies and legislation that govern this community. Part of its job is to appoint members to the Planning Commission, the Zoning Hearing Board, and to make other appointments as it deems necessary. The population of Hamilton Township is approximately 8,597. The Township covers approximately 38.5 square miles with 81.1 miles of Township roads and 59.5 miles of state roads. The Township Building is located at 229 Fenner Avenue in Sciota.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of 38.5 square miles (100 km2), of which, 38.3 square miles (99 km2) of it is land and 0.2 square miles (0.52 km2) of it (0.42%) is water. The township contains the unincorporated communities of Blue Mountain Pines, Bossardsville, Hamilton Square, Kellersville, Kemmererville, Sandhill, Sciota, Snydersville, and Stormville, plus a portion of Saylorsburg.
Township Information
Hamilton Township Meeting Schedules
Board of Supervisors
Second Monday and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm at the Municipal Building.
Planning Commission
Third Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Building
Zoning Hearing Board
Meetings only as needed. First Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm at the Municipal Building.
Co-mingled curbside recycling in the Township is collected by your trash hauler and is mandatory. All recyclables which are required to be kept separate from municipal waste, in commercial, municipal and institutional establishments and properties and community activities shall either be delivered directly to a recycling center or shall be picked up by a recyclable collection permittee or a licensed hauler separately from municipal waste in a prearranged manner. Owners and occupants of all commercial, municipal and institutional establishments and properties and sponsors or organizers of community activities should contact their respective haulers to be sure they are in compliance with the mandatory Curbside Recycling Ordinance No. 93126.
The Township has used motor oil and anti-freeze containers located at the Municipal Building which are accessible to residents Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Download recycling info brochure here (pdf format)
Voter Registration forms are available at the Township office. There are two voting districts:
Northern Hamilton – Votes at Monroe County Public Safety Center in Snydersville
Southern Hamilton – Votes at the Christ Hamilton United Lutheran Church on Bossardsville Rd
Blue Ridge Hook And Ladder Volunteer Fire Company Station 23
The fire company is located on Route 115 in Saylorsburg with a substation located on Rimrock Road in Snydersville. This is a volunteer organization which provides this Township and Ross Township with services that are necessary for the protection of property and persons within the Townships. The fire company is comprised of approximately 35 volunteer fire fighters. If you are interested in becoming a member of this organization you may call the Township office for information.
Burning is allowed in the Township after 5:00 pm during the week. You can burn anytime on the weekends and anytime in a barrel.
Snow Removal
As the snow comes, so do the questions about snow removal. Please make note of the following practices:
All mailboxes and fences should be located out of the Township right-of-way. The Township is not responsible for damages to anything located within the Township right-of-way.
Park your cars off the road to enable crews to plow from berm to berm.
Do not shovel or plow snow from your driveways into the street.
Don’t drive unnecessarily until the roads are cleared.
Real Estate And Earned Income Tax Information
Three taxing bodies levy taxes based upon the assessed value of real estate as set by the Monroe County Board of Assessments.
The township millage rate is .14 mills. Contact the County and School for their rates.
A 1% earned income tax, levied on gross wages and/or net profits from a business or profession, is shared equally between the Township of Hamilton and the Stroudsburg Area School District. It is the responsibility of all residents with earned income or net profits to register with the earned income tax collector and to pay these taxes. A registration form can be obtained by contacting Berkheimer Associates or the Township office.
Clean Up Days
Cleanup Days are scheduled in the spring and fall of each year. Check our calendar for the exact dates. Bring your bulk items to the Township. We will not accept household garbage, yard materials, hazardous chemicals or recyclables.
Trimming of Trees and Shrubbery
Property owners are required to maintain any tree(s) on the property so that branches do not extend over a public street at a height lower than 16 feet above the surface of the street. Property owners shall keep any hedge, shrubbery, or tree on said property trimmed so that it does not interfere with the sight distance for anyone pulling out of driveways or intersections.
MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System)
Hamilton Township is an affected MS4 municipality under PA DEP regulations and has been issued a MS4 permit. Interested residents can review the MS4 permit at the township building by appointment.
To learn more about what MS4 is and how it affects water quality please see this link from Penn State Extension: